
By Safe Metal — In Development, R&D, Strategy — 20 November 2023
Thanks to the support of the pole CIMES*, Safe Metal has been put in relation with the Austrian company Profactor* to join the consortium that she is supporting for the European project context « Horizon 2022 ».
This project, called SeConRob for Self-Configuring Multi-Step Robotic Workflows, has for goal to robotize processes with multiple steps and suggest technical solutions industrially and economically doable. In this consortium, Safe Metal plays the industrial applications part through the loop of control-repair of parts (magnetic inspection, scour, repair by welding and grinding) that perfectly apply with the goals of the project.
On October 10th & 11th 2023, Jean-François CARTON and Antonin BERMOND of the R&D team went in Austria in the offices of Profactor to participate in the kick-off meeting of the project. They met the representatives of the different companies members of the consortium: Fraunhofer, Otto Fuchs, ACS, Marposs & l’Ecole Centrale de Lyon (ECL).
The project SeconRob will last 36 months until fall 2026. During these 3 years, Safe Metal will need to design & install a robotic line allowing to realise the 4 steps of the processus of control and repair, with the support of the different actors of the project.